Headshots By Tony Moux

Update your headshots with photographer Tony Moux at this appointment-only event at Mosser Casting.

Availability is limited, so book your session now! (Tony will contact you after you’ve reserved your timeslot).

If you have questions, email [email protected].

Date: Friday, Nov 4
Time: By appointment
Cost: $250 – $375
Details: 1 hr full session with 3 looks or 30-minute mini session with two looks
Location: Mosser Casting, 3583 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Book Your Appointment

Photographer Tony MouxTony Moux is a photographer and high end retoucher born and raised in Pittsburgh.

Trained in the theater, he connects his performance experience through the intimacy of a lens. Known for the genuine expressions and authenticity that he captures with his subjects, any actor can benefit from a single session with him. Everyone is unique.

With conversation, collaboration and an open space to play, he presents images that reflect the honest individual. For those who are curious, Moux = “Moe.”

See more of his work at tonymoux.com.